You are about to journey against the current of contemporary thought and beyond the troubled waters of Daily News to the very source of our extraordinary culture. You are going Upstream with Cashill and Edge.
Jack Cashill
An independent writer and producer, Jack Cashill has written a dozen nonfiction books and appeared on C-SPAN’s Book TV ten times. Jack's most recent book is
Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from American Cities
He also produced a score of feature-length documentaries. Jack serves as executive editor of Ingram’s Magazine. He writes regularly for American Thinker, American Spectator, and WorldNetDaily and has also written for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, the Washington Post, and the Weekly Standard. Jack has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies and has taught at a French university under the auspices of the Fulbright program.
Loy Edge
Loy Edge is a business concept developer and designer from Kansas City with an extensive career as a voiceover artist and character actor in film and television since 2000. He has won the London International Award for Best Artiste Performance for voice work. His voice appears in animation, video games and commercials. Edge's professional debut was an appearance as two of the Warner Brothers classic cartoon character voices for Warner/Kid Rhino. He has been a network television writer and producer.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
The shape of our institutions today. How they have radically transformed through the past decades. Good or Bad?

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Welcome to the premiere of Upstream with Cashill & Edge. Find out why it's called Upstream. Topics: Andrew Breitbart, Barack Obama's ghost writer, and are those CoExist bumper stickers worth their weight in plastic? Jump in the water's fine.