You are about to journey against the current of contemporary thought and beyond the troubled waters of Daily News to the very source of our extraordinary culture. You are going Upstream with Cashill and Edge.
Jack Cashill
An independent writer and producer, Jack Cashill has written a dozen nonfiction books and appeared on C-SPAN’s Book TV ten times. Jack's most recent book is
Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from American Cities
He also produced a score of feature-length documentaries. Jack serves as executive editor of Ingram’s Magazine. He writes regularly for American Thinker, American Spectator, and WorldNetDaily and has also written for the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, the Washington Post, and the Weekly Standard. Jack has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies and has taught at a French university under the auspices of the Fulbright program.
Loy Edge
Loy Edge is a business concept developer and designer from Kansas City with an extensive career as a voiceover artist and character actor in film and television since 2000. He has won the London International Award for Best Artiste Performance for voice work. His voice appears in animation, video games and commercials. Edge's professional debut was an appearance as two of the Warner Brothers classic cartoon character voices for Warner/Kid Rhino. He has been a network television writer and producer.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
What groups have become increasingly subversive and have strayed from their original benign purposes? How about The American Library Association, The American Medical Association and even the Ad Council. Is it time to liberate and reform these institutions? We’ll put them under the microscope in this episode.

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Jack’s reintroduction of the word “Untenable” from his latest book is finding its way into the discussion of the current ruckus in Congress. Plus why are we forced to celebrate so many EEOC holidays? We take them on one holiday at a time to explore the madness. AND has anyone seen any Asians in the NFL? We’ll dive in! Also get ready to celebrate Convergence Day. We’ll explain and much more.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Are we living in “The Golden Age of Convenience”? Maybe. But there are drawbacks. Are there nefarious intentions behind the kiosk at McDonalds? And with more and more self service kiosks popping up in stores, should we be concerned about the control corporations have over customers in this era of advanced technology and the potential consequences for consumer rights and service quality. Could such changes be seen as attempts to wean customers off their expectations and convenience, potentially serving other corporate interests. "Please insert your card and we'll take what we want." Plus Jack does an old west take down of a truck driver and Loy leaves his 40 item cart in the grocery store and walks out. The adventures continue!

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Climb onboard for the “Rust Belt Riviera” and the adventures of Jack’s dealings with the local library. Was it all because he italicized the word “true”? First invited then dis-invited. Plus an excursion into “Umbrage. Stolen, borrowed and the Washington Umbrage. It's time to figure it out a little quicker, off the draw, so that you can hit them, bam! Right when they come out with it. Oh, and farting cows in Ireland starts the chat about the plight of ugly versus cute animals and the problem of duel umbrage. Grab your umbrage, it’s raining question marks out there.

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
It's Paddle boarding, Obama's personal chef tragedy, Esther Williams and are some people protected from criticism due to their status? We jump into David Garrow's book on Obama and maybe discover Obama is like Austin Power's "International Man of Mystery". Your call.

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
On September 9th, 2022, American Thinker published Jack's article about our Republic going down the drain and he got rejected a couple of places because it was a little controversial. Welcome to ELF (Educated Liberal Females) ultimately know as "Karens". We explore the differences between liberal females and republican females. Overall, our conversation highlights a critical perspective on the current state of education and its impact on societal values and perception.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Shamey Shamey....we're focusing on public shaming and how it is used as a tool to control individuals and manipulate public opinion. The communal shaming has evolved over time often being used to create a sense of victimhood or to shame individuals for actions they may not have realized were wrong. It's a complex field to discuss but thank heavens we get a breather near the end when Loy does his Droopy Dog voice. MGM please contact us for fees on future cartoon production!
The conversation touches on the concept that victimhood can sometimes overshadow other actions or behaviors, and that public shaming can occur for various reasons. The conversation revolves around instances of public shaming and how shame is used as a tool to control individuals and manipulate public opinion. The examples discussed include personal experiences, media coverage, and social dynamics. The conversation highlights how communal shaming has evolved and changed over time, often being used to create a sense of victimhood or to shame individuals for actions they may not have realized were wrong. It also touches on how shame can lead to various outcomes, including apologies, firings, and other consequences, even when the initial actions might not warrant such harsh responses. The conversation underscores the complexity and consequences of modern communal shaming.
The conversation touches on various topics, including using humor and ridicule to combat shame, navigating conversations with opposing viewpoints, and the dynamic between public figures and the media. There's a focus on choosing words carefully to avoid triggering responses and engaging in shame-based tactics. The recent actions of Robert Kennedy Jr. are discussed as he navigates public scrutiny and media attacks, paralleling aspects of the challenges faced by former President Donald Trump. The discussion highlights the complexities of public perception, shaming tactics, and the use of apologies for damage control. The tone of the conversation is often humorous and critical of societal trends related to shame and public discourse.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
It's Summer travel time with our genial hosts and down the road we touch on wind turbines, strange stuff in Canada, climate change head scratching and more. They emphasize how fear is generated through media and propaganda to control public perception and response to these issues. Clear your head....here we come!

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Creating sensational stories, focusing on trivial stories or simply ignoring important news. Welcome to the world of the media using distractions to divert attention away from important issues. These distractions can be used to manipulate public opinion by framing stories in a certain way, promoting certain viewpoints or even suppressing certain information but fear not because the happy go lucky weather guy is up next...

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Jack's new book "Untenable" is the star of this episode. It's about white flight from urban cities like Newark in the mid-20th century. Crime increased in the 60s and the neighborhood became less safe and cohesive. Plus some funny anecdotes like Jack getting sick at church but trying to make it through mass so he could play football later. Find out why Loy singing the original theme song for Donald Trump's The Apprentice eventually got cut. Jack's documentary surrounding Jesse James 150th birthday turns out being a production hand full. Enjoy!